- OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020)
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- Teacher Pack: Unit 2.5 Programming Languages and IDEs J277 (from 2020)
Teacher Pack: Unit 2.5 Programming Languages and IDEs J277 (from 2020)
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The resources within this Teacher Pack cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 2.5.
It includes:
· Teaching PowerPoint (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
· Student PowerPoint (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
· Homework/Classwork Activities (+ mark schemes)
- Programming Languages
- IDEs
· End of unit test (+ mark scheme)
Content Covered:
Characteristics and purpose of different levels of programming language:
- High-level languages
- Low-level languages
The purpose of translators
The characteristics of a compiler and an interpreter
Common tools and facilities available in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
- Editors
- Error diagnostics
- Run-time environment